Monday, January 3, 2011

Why Plagiarism on the Internet is wrong

Plagiarism is wrong because you're stealing ideas or words that are not yours it's like being dishonest.When you plagiarize you are showing that you don't care that you are depriving someone else of their work and that you cannot be trusted. You are taking the credit and the responsibility of that idea and work that you did not do. When someone does plagiarism on the Internet  it shows that the person is too lazy to go and do the work himself/herself.  When someone plagiarizes he or she can be called a plagiarist. When someone plagiarizes, the plagiarist, can be fined a minimum fee of $2,500 to the maximum fee of $250,000 in fines or 10 years in jail. Why plagiarize and deny yourself the ability to learn yourself for your later careers and risk paying a fee of $2,500-$250,000 in fees or risk going to jail for 10 years, this will all go on your Criminal Record which when you apply for a job the supervisor that is interviewing you will look at your job application and your Criminal Record to see if you have been in jail or have done anything illegal. By doing something illegal you are making your life worse and miserable because it will be harder to find a job.

These are some facts that I have researched and are putting out there so that all that reads this will know why plagiarism is wrong and that they should not become a plagiarist. I hope this will helped and that you will make sure that you do the right thing.


1 comment:

iksha said...

hey tyler do i have to write about this too