
My Life

I have no memories,
I have no feelings,
I don't know what to do.

Did they want me?
Wasn't I good enough?

All I know is that,
I'm here,
Cut off from,
The family I never knew,
The childhood friends I never had,
The heritage I never learned.

Am I supposed to move on?
Just live with out questions,
With out wonder,
Who were they,
What were they like,
I don't even know the basics,
They're all the same

Sure I cry
Who wouldn't
Taken away from your mother's loving grasp
Or so you think,
You can never tell,
Did they cry because of their loss,
Or were they happy they got rid of annoyance
No it's their loss

Yeah their loss,
I turned out great,
Good in school,
Though it is hard
Unable to answer questions about family,
About my childhood.
I don't even remember things from,
Grade 5
And the things I don't remember,
I have no one to ask,
No one that would know anything

They will not tear me down anymore,
I have taken my share of,
It has made me strong,
I have learned,
For a fact,
Life is not perfect,
My life is not perfect,
My life is not easy.

I have developed bad habits,
Their actions,
Have destroyed me on the inside,
I will not break down anymore,
At least not on the outside.

Some say they never want to find out who their parents are,
Me I'm in between,
I have questions,
But the real question is,
Am I ready for the answers?

My hatred never went away,
My pain never stopped hurting.

I've brooded for years on the plain fact,
My life will never be normal,
I am light years away from normal,
I will never get the chance to say,
“When I was born my mother looked into my dark brown eyes, and said she loved me”

Who knew people thought it was funny that you have gone through all that,
Pain and suffering.

I guess people don't understand,
It's not easy,
Sure they knew their parents,
Could ask what they did when they were 2,

Does it matter that my childhood was really hard and different?
No, We all are different,
We all have,
Good things,
And bad things
About ourselves.

You may be tall,
I may not,

Sure I've lived in,
10 different homes,
But I have made my way through it

I may be different,
But I'm still human,
Shouldn't that matter?
Maybe you should give me a try,
I'd be delighted.

Help me heal these wounds,
That should not be.

Help me prevail in the war against hatred,
Before I lose the war,
And I lose my life
To the hatred that has consumed me,

My life is the one thing I treasure most,
With your help I will take back everything hatred has developed,
You guys will be my knights in shining armor
Filled with pride and love,
that will purify my soul

This a poem me and my buddie wrote for more info please visit:Halocaust

No Freedom
Where is the freedom in war
No peace
There is no peace in war
Just death and loss
Why should we fight
For all we get in return is death.

By: Tyler

Your love, your love, is unconditional
Your love, your love, is mystical
Your love, your love, is all I ever want
Your love, your love, is there in every thought
Your love, your love, is here when I want
Your love, your love is hotter then the sun.

By: Tyler


Come back, come back, I'll never be the same
Come back, come back, you've always been my babe
Come back, come back, I've always loved your name
Come back, come back, you know I never hate
Come back, come back, together we are strong
Come back, come back, you know this is our song
Come back, come back, you know I always love
Come back, come back, get ready cause here i come.

By: Tyler
