Monday, October 25, 2010

How am I creative?

Hi guys I'm telling people how I am creative!

Well the things am very creative and expressive with is drawing. I find it is very expressive because it shows what's on your mind or how your feeling by how dark you make it or how light and how you show the colours and the shading. To me that is very expressive... if someone was to show you a drawing and it was a heart shaded very lightly but there are  a lot of shadows that are very dark and the outline is drawn hard and solid. To me that would me that someone was in love, but that love got crushed and he/she were angry or sad, but has still not given up hope. I find drawing and sketching is very important for me to show my feelings through things and colour.




BrandonM said...

I can't wait to start being your blog buddy.I think the point of this activity is to meet different people from different parts of Canada.I hope this is going to be fun for you and also me.

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Tyler,

Make sure that you are following all directions on my blog. I want to also see your creativity here. You've done a nice job describing how you are creative, but I want you to do something like present your drawings on your blog as well!